Vente: 305 / Rare Books 13/14. novembre 2006 Lot 581

Johannes Honter - Rudimenta cosmographica. 1546.

Johannes Honter
Rudimenta cosmographica. 1546.
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 4,165 / $ 4,581

( frais d'adjudication compris)
Honter, J., Rudimenta cosmographica. With 13 (12 double-page) woodcut maps and 3 woodcuts in text as well as woodcut printer's device on the title. Zürich, Froschauer 1546. New half calf 8vo. 30 unnumbered, 2 w., 14 unnumbered ll. (maps), 1 (st. 2) w. l.
VD16, H 4777. - Adams H 831. - Nordenskiöld Coll. 98. - Shirley 68 (Abb. 73). - First edition published by Froschauer of the small, composed of hexameters "ersten Schulatlas in Taschenformat" (Lex. d. Kart. I, 321), which was published with only 2 maps in Krakow in 1530, showing a heart-shaped world map after Waldseemüller, several European countries, Asia, Africa, and the Holy Land (full-page), the woodcuts in text depicting a sphere globe, the planets' courses and earth with its winds. - Lacking 1 final white leaf. Occasionally stained, slight waterstaining on the upper margin (not affecting the illustrations).

Johannes Honter
Rudimenta cosmographica. 1546.
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 4,165 / $ 4,581

( frais d'adjudication compris)